Education and Practice in One

We educate new generation of specialists in electrotechnology and engineering.



Úřední hodiny pro podávání přihlášek ke studiu

PO-PÁ od 6:00 do 14:00, ST do 16:00.


Mimo úřední hodiny můžete přihlášky hodit do schránky na školní bráně.


Více informací k přijímacímu řízení najdete zde. 

Excellent conditions for a high-quality education of technicians and future craftsmen.

We have prepared more than 4 000 specialists for their future jobs particularly in electrotechnology and engineering. Total capacity of our school is 640 students including up to 100 students with special educational needs. Throughout the educational process we consequently integrate activities of all fields of study.

The school establisher, MESIT holding, a.s. enables to provide the students real practical training in first-rate departments in its daughter companies (MESIT aerospace, MESIT machining, MESIT foundry, MESIT defence, MESIT & RODERS). Other major companies in the region are our partners in education as well.


We are open to the world and to new work styles

We are open to the world and to new work styles

We cooperate with partners from abroad

We participate in projects supporting language and technical skills.

Following our credo about education closely interconnected with practice we focus on improving the educational process in technical fields of study and their popularisation.

We try to increase the prestige of technical professions and crafts with the younger generation.



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